Monday, November 22, 2010

The Forgotten Holiday

Dear loyal readers....

Bunny: Pardon?

-Scratch that.

Dear, whoeverbotherstoreadthis!

I'm still not out of water, but at least I managed to learn how to swim...despite the whole life preserver being thrown at me and knocking me out, I am still alive. THANK YOU EVERY MUCH!

I've caught a small breath of air, but I'm still knee deep in school work. Simply just managing right now, so I thought I would pop in and say hi while I had the time. Just to let you know, I'm skipping lunch right now for your sorry asses!

Bunny: Don't mind her; she gets cranky without three meals a day.


Bunny: T.T

Anywhoo! I came here to talk about-or rant which ever one you prefer-about Thanksgiving and how people IGNORE IT!!

Label me all you want, but I'm not a huge fan of Christmas-

Bunny: And it's music!

Devil bastard thing! Trying to brainwash us they are!
Back to my point, I find it horrible that right after Halloween all you see is Christmas this and Christmas that! For crying out loud, did Thanksgiving fall off the face of the planet and made a new home on Mars where it has wild wet t-shirt parties!? I think not!

I mean, how can people just toss aside Thanksgiving!? It's the one time a year you can stuff yourself to the point of exploding and not have people call you a pig! What other time can you get all you can eat stuffing and turkey and other awesome Thanksgiving stuff! Thanksgiving is also nice in the whole, no frickin’ annoying brainwashing music; No need to go out and get presents for people you don't even like, and you don't have to stay up in the middle of the night having nightmares about a certain guy in a big red suit who 'likes' little child, who gives away candy and toys and have elves he calls his ‘little helpers’! (Don't tell me there isn't some underlying meaning to Santa Claus! Cause he is! I will post a later journal about that.)I find an entirely a win win holiday. Of course, I don't have that problem of hated in-laws and relatives coming over, but besides that, it's a pretty good frickin' holiday!

So I ask you now, join me while I go to the South Pole and protest against St. Nick and all his 'little helpers'.

(A small post from deviantart art that I wrote last year that very much still protains to this year)

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