Tuesday, September 21, 2010

When A Stalker Is Being Stalked

Hello Readers,

I can't say too much exciting events are happening in my life, except for Halloween that is coming up. Yay! Halloween! Halloween is like Christmas for me (seeing how I hate Christmas). You get to dress up is goofy and cool costumes, get free candy and scare children and no one gets mad at you! Now that is a holiday!

Okay so there may be no cool events going on in my life, but there is this strange guy that has been making my creep-o-meter goes off. Let me explain, in my Reading class there is this teacher assistant that helps the other students in the class with assignments, he also sets up study groups and stuff like that.

I really have no beef with him, and he's decent looking. It's not like he's missing all his teeth and hasn't showered in months (Had a few of those), but I just don't know. One day after class, (when we were in the computer lab) I stayed after class to work on my Graphic Design homework. (Seeing how I have dial-up and my computer is on its last leg) I really have no choice but to use the school computers.

Yet, it just so happens the guy had a study group assigned after class. I had gotten all my homework done already for the class and was perfectly ready for the two tests that were assigned the next week.

So I'm minding my own business, (on the other side of the room) working, when he suddenly comes over and asks about my homework. I explained to him that the class is ubber easy and I am completely ready for the test and I'm just sticking around to use the school computer for homework in another class.

He accepts it, goes away for a while. Yet, after the group lets out he comes back again and starts asking about my Graphic Design class and my major and stuff. This started to my creep-o-meter go off. First; typically men don't care about other people's interests UNLESS they have an interest in the person. Second; most of the time they don't stick around after a project if the project is done or not.

Being nice, I answer his questions. He continues to inquires about me (not in a bad way), but enough to make me uncomfortable. In order to get away, I say I'm done working on my homework (lie) and have to go.

I would have thought he was just bothering me because I wasn't working on that ONE class work, but every time I see him in class he waves or says hi to me, like we are friends. I can understand being nice and stuff, but I don't know what to think.

It would be nice to know if this guy is like that to ALL the students in the class, then I can stop being self-centered and thinking he may have a thing for me.

Or maybe he's being kind of forward, which is really odd for a guy. (Most guys) and I'm not used to a guy having a general interest in what I do.

I have no idea! Should I listen to my creep-o-meter or stop being self-centered and be nice to the guy?

It's just so confusing!


Thursday, September 9, 2010

One Missed Call

My annoying meter broke when I seen the commercial one too many times.

Randomness unleashed.

Dear Followers,

I know you follow me because I am the essence of awesomeness, but I dare to warn you that I am not your typical awesome person. I have a very complex nature that makes many people turn away and brand me with the label weird. I'm not offended by this label; it helps define who I am and who I will become. In a way we are shaped by what people view us as. Some of us take pride in what they shaped us as, why other rejects it and continued down the road of self loathing. For those who embrace it, it makes me wonder who makes who weird, is it us that make us weird or is it the labeling that forces us to become weird. Now that is a thought jerking question indeed.

Most of my post won't be so thought provoking, most of the time I will throw random words onto the page and somehow it will create sentences that in a way can be read. It as to if it can be understood, that is something that only the reader can figure.

As for me, I will continue to be weird and accept that other see me as such. I will continue to have random post that are filled with wonderful words, but boil down to nothing at all. It's like life in a way, you work all your life trying to make a good life, but in the end you die and everything you worked towards goes to those relatives you hate and tax collectors.

My only words of wisdom is to befriend those tax collectors, because then it won't hurt so much as you look down form where ever we go after life and watch them take your stuff away.

That was my post; I am in an odd mood.
